Circulation area is the floor area of verandah, passages, staircase, balconies etc. which are used for movement of persons using the building. The circulation area of any floor comprises of the following:
- Verandah
- Balconies
- Passages and corridors
- Entrance hall
- Staircase and mumties
- Shafts for lifts
- Porches
The circulation area may be divided into two parts:
- Horizontal circulation area: The area which is required for horizontal movement of the users of the building, such as verandahs, corridors, balconies, porches etc., is known as horizontal circulation area. This may be 10% to 15% of the plinth area of the building.
- Vertical circulation area: The area or space occupied by staircase, lifts, and the entrance hall adjacent to them which are required for vertical movement of the users of the building is known as vertical circulation area. This may be 4% to 5% of the plinth area of the building.